Friday, June 22, 2007

Google Developer Podcast Episode Four: Mark Limber on Google SketchUp

We have published the fourth episode of the Google Developer Podcast, which features an interview on Google SketchUp and how developers can interact with that world.

Interview with Mark Limber on Google SketchUp

What will you learn from this interview?
  • Who SketchUp is aimed at, and what it contains
  • Creative out-of-the-box uses of SketchUp by fellow developers
  • How to do a Hello World model (your house) and put it on Google Earth
  • How to find and share your models in the 3D Warehouse
  • Various ways in which you can use SketchUp if you are a games developer
  • The various SketchUp APIs and how you can extend SketchUp with Ruby, including fun examples out there (dropping trees, manipulating cameras, animation, and much more)
  • How to attach and manipulate metadata to the artifacts in SketchUp
  • How you can use a web dialog within SketchUp
  • Working with materials and textures within your models
  • How to use the C++ SDK to use SketchUp from within your own application.
To learn more about SketchUp, visit the forum, and request an SDK.


In our news segment we covered:

The Google Gears community response has been great to see. This article discusses several applications and libraries that already work with Gears.

Google Mashup Editor: How to use multiple pages in your mashup

Blogger in Draft has been released for early adopters. This allows you to play with the upcoming Blogger features before they are announced in full. The first feature is video upload, and more are coming.

Tying into the SketchUp interview we discussed the new ability to use animated models in Google Earth.

You can download the episode directly, or subscribe to the show (click here for iTunes one-click subscribe).

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